Wolfpack Mite Families,


One of the siblings of our 2013 Mite Major Team tested positive for Covid-19.  The player was then later tested and was also positive, however asymptomatic.

This past Monday our entire Mite group skated together outside the 48 hour window.  The 6U team was also on the ice with the 2013 Team on Wednesday.  Our practices are structured for teams to skate together with limited exposure to other teams and players.  Currently we will be quarantining the 2013 Mite Team for a 14 day period.  We ask that you monitor your players well being and let us know if anyone shows any type of symptoms.  Please follow the WCC guidelines,  if any player is not feeling well please keep them home.


If you have any questions please contact me.

Kevin Angert  - wolfpackkevin@optimum.net

Wolfpack Hockey Director 


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